Founder Message
Dear Friends …
I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to our members, Staff Members, well-wishers for helping us in all respects in the matter of Social Welfare activities and development action for the community by serving the poor and marginalized people. Our organization has been doing multidisciplinary activities since its inception with good factors. The people’s trust to us is our viaticum of our journey.
Our organization is one of the most well known names in the field of social services not just in North Bengal but in entire West Bengal. We are tirelessly working to uplift social, educational, health and cultural status of the underprivileged and downtrodden people chiefly belonging to the scheduled tribe community of Bihar. Despite severe financial crunch we have undertaken several activities towards ecological sustainability, educational and health oriented awareness among populations who need it the most. We are volunteering to participate in noble activities like Blood Donation Camps.
We have been working relentlessly towards serving the mankind. We have extended our selfless service during the pandemic of Corona as well. We have been arranging health camps including general health check up camp, eye check up camp etc. and providing necessary and essential medicines and other sanitary and hygiene kits to the needy and poor. We have been helping students of meritorious ranks who lack educational resources. We have been regularly arranging for relief materials during days of natural calamity or disasters in entire Bihar. In the era of global warming, our organization has committed to planting one sapling every day.
With Thanks to all.
Aman Care Foundation